Harlands Primary School


You may find the following documents helpful in supporting your wellbeing during this time.

NSPCC has a Positive Parenting Guide

Childline have a toolbox of activities such as breathing exercises, coping videos, yoga videos and games that can help children feel calm in a period of disruption.

The Mental Health Foundation has a guide to Parenting during the Coronavirus Outbreak.

How to maintain good mental wellbeing during isolation (added 12 June)

Looking after your feelings and your body 

Wellbeing tips for families 

Public Health England's Every Mind Matters platform has launched new advice, focussed on looking after people's mental wellbeing during the coronavirus pandemic.

E-wellbeing, https://e-wellbeing.co.uk/ has recently launched a 'Back to School' platform, aimed at teachers, pupils and parents/carers with practical resources, videos and guidance to support everyone through this difficult transition period.

Coronavirus - a book for children 

How to nurture your child's mental health

Updated 22 November 2021