PSHE (including relationships AND SEX education)
Curriculum Statement
At Harlands we strive for excellence and value everyone and our world. This is a message that we work tirelessly to embed with the children. Our values of: optimism, tolerance, critical thinking, resilience, responsibility and confidence, underpinned by kindness reinforce the qualities that we feel are vital for our children to be reflective, ambitious global citizens with a strong sense of purpose.
A well-rounded and robust PSHE curriculum is integral to providing a board and balanced curriculum to provide the pupils with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need in order to reach their potential as individuals and within the community on both a local and global level.
At Harlands we use the Jigsaw scheme as the basis for our curriculum as it covers many spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) issues that affect the children as they progress in their school career while supporting their well-being. Our PSHE curriculum also will equip children with an age appropriate understanding of RSE (Relationships and Sex education), from Early Years to Year 6. We believe relationships Education at Harlands should teach the foundations for future learning and characteristics of positive relationships.
The skills taught in PSHE are fundamentally important the children’s education as they provide them with the skills they need to excel, not just in the wider curriculum or in school but in life. PSHE helps pupils to understand and except their self-worth, and how as individuals, they fit into and contribute to a range of communities, again, with a local and global view. PSHE sessions and the skills the children learn can help to develop their emotional literacy, build resilience and supports mental and physical wellbeing, in turn supporting emotional awareness, concentration and focus. As a school we recognise how in a constantly changing world this has to be a high priority as we want to ensure our children are equipped to play a positive role in contributing to the school, local community and the wider community.
Our Golden Threads of creativity, choice and community and our School Values can be found throughout our curriculum. This, teamed with our drive to value the uniqueness of each and every individual in the school, generates a sense of belonging and a positive, supportive school environment. This helps our children grow into healthy, active and enterprising individuals.
Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction and ‘sticky learning’ underpin our school curriculum. As the Jigsaw scheme is based upon a whole school approach which builds on prior learning. The scheme is structured into 6 half-termly units of work, which allows the children to revisit and make links in their learning. It also allows us to look for and explore our Golden Threads within the PSHE curriculum, often with a particular focus on choice and community.
The Six Jigsaw themes are:
Autumn Term |
Being Me in My World |
Celebrating Difference (including Anti-Bullying) |
Spring Term
Dreams and Goals |
Healthy Me |
Summer Term |
Changing Me |
Relationships (including Relationships and Sex Education) |
Put simply, our children and school community demonstrate the impact of our PSHE curriculum. Our classrooms are safe and supportive learning environments, mistakes are welcomed and seen as an important part of the learning process. Our children have a strong sense of identity and recognise that our differences and uniqueness should be celebrated. They are enthusiastic learners who are motivated and ambitious, they are also critical thinkers and resilient. Not only do our children have an aware of their place in our school and wider community and have opportunities to celebrate these - through our PSHE teaching and SMSC they have an ever increasing understanding of their place in the global community. Our children are empathetic and tolerant, striving for excellence and valuing everyone and the world around them.
Updated April 2022