Harlands Primary School

EAL (English as an Additional Language)

In school we are able to seek advice from EMTAS (Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service) and they can support us to help your child in school.

If you would like support to access local services then please speak to the school office.

The Bell Foundation

This link explains how the English Education system works. The Bell Foundation is also a great source of information on many education aspects.


“Through generating and applying evidence, The Bell Foundation aims to improve policy, practice and systems to enable children, adults and communities in the UK that speak English as an Additional Language (EAL) to overcome disadvantage through language education.”



“We believe that anyone can learn a language with Duolingo. Our free, bite-size lessons feel more like a game than a textbook, and that's by design: Learning is easier when you're having fun.

But Duolingo isn't just a game. It's based on a methodology proven to foster long-term retention, and a curriculum aligned to an international standard. Let's explore how language learning happens with Duolingo!”

Updated September 2021