Interventions available in school:
Some children may be asked to take part in an intervention. An intervention means that extra provision is provided to support a child’s learning. Our list of interventions that we run for children are continually developing. Some children may carry out an intervention in a large group, small group or 1:1. The interventions may happen in or out of the classroom. There are interventions that cover a wide range of needs.
Please see our list of interventions available at Harlands:
Nessy is not just for dyslexia. All students benefit from Structured Literacy based upon the Science of Reading. The program begins with systematic synthetic phonics which has been proven to be the best way to instruct early readers. As literacy skills develop, students advance to instruction in spelling, morphology, vocabulary and comprehension. Independent research has shown the program to be effective even for those learning English as an additional language. (
Beat Dyslexia
The Beat Dyslexia series is a step-by-step multi-sensory literacy programme for all pupils struggling to acquire literacy skills, especially those with dyslexia. It takes pupils from the earliest stages of letter recognition through to full literacy.
Pirate Writing Crew
This is an intervention designed for KS2 children who need support to access Year 3 national curriculum expectations. 1st Class@Writing is delivered by our specially trained teaching assistant to children in Y3. Up to 60 stimulating and motivating half-hour lessons are taught to a group of up to 4 children, 4 times a week, in addition to their daily class literacy lessons.
The children develop key skills of spelling, handwriting, grammar and punctuation in order to complete daily writing tasks relating to the adventure stories. They develop their composition and editing skills through a balance of supported ‘one-liners’ as well as sustained, independent writing.
Dyslexia Gold
Dyslexia Gold is a suite of programs primarily for children with SEN. Three programs focus on reading, one on spelling and one on times tables. They are all designed to be calm, engaging and effective.
Toe by Toe
Toe by Toe is a highly structured phonics-based reading manual to help anyone who finds reading difficult. It requires only 20 minutes of coaching a day and you'll see immediate improvements in your child's reading confidence. (Cowling K and H, Toe by Toe)
Plus 1
Plus 1 is the introductory book of the series allowing anyone to make progress with their maths. The book is essentially a coaching manual which allows anyone to deliver individual support. The book teaches all the building blocks of numbers, and begins to develop skills with mental calculations. The manual is ideal for anyone who benefits from repeated maths practice. It's designed to appeal to all age ranges and it suitable from 6 years old, right up to adult basic skills. The clear language and repetition benefits students with dyslexia and those with English as an Additional language. Students with dyscalculia benefit from the highly structured approach with clear explanations. (Sharp, D J, Plus 1)
Power of 2
Power of 2 enables anyone to make progress with their maths. The book is a coaching manual which allows anyone to deliver individual support. It teaches all the mental maths required by the new Mathematics Curriculum, and through its use enables pupils to access the full maths curriculum. Power of 2 is essentially about putting in place the building blocks of number and developing skills with mental calculations. Mental Maths needed for the new Mathematics Curriculum
- Access to full maths curriculum
- Building Blocks of number
- Development of mental calculation skills
The Power of 2 book has been used with students aged 8 and upwards, right up to adult basic skills.
Springboard Maths
An intervention set up by the class teacher for children working just below expectations in Numeracy.
Memory Magic
Memory Magic is a teaching programme used with children to help them to take control over the memory processes and strategies which they use, by using a metacognitive approach. Metacognition is often described as ‘thinking about thinking” and Memory Magic encourages thinking about memory as a part of thinking.
Lego Therapy
The children work together, using Lego to support the development of social skills through a natural environment. They are guided through a project with the support of an adult.
Art Therapy
Providing a holistic environment for children to express their feelings about themselves through the medium of art. Enabling children to express and understand their emotions, cope with stress and worries, as well as to develop self-awareness and self-esteem.
Jump Ahead
We offer the students the Jump Ahead programme; this programme has been designed for all pupils that have difficulties with gross and fine motor skills as well as developing and improving pre-handwriting and handwriting skills. The programme has three stages and the students move through the stages when they are ready to do so, the beauty of this programme is that it is totally child centred.
Speech and Language Therapy
A dedicated and skilled teaching assistant works with children on a 1:1 basis. Providing support towards targets and plans set by the speech and language therapists. We use a range of resources to support our pupils focusing on speech sounds, inference, prediction, social responses. Programmes used are Black Sheep, Colourful Semantics, Mr Goodguess, Leap into Listening and Social Responses.
Narrative Therapy
Narrative can be described as an account of events or the way we tell a story. Narrative can either be in written or in verbal form, but pupils who have narrative difficulties will often have difficulty with both written and verbal narrative.
Narrative skills helps us to understand events that have just occurred so we can think logically about what has happened before the event and to allow us to predict what may happen after the event. This can guide us to shape the actions we take. Therefore, narrative acts as a social skill to interact with others, a defence skill as we can explain ourselves and logically think about the actions we are taking and it is a skill that educates us and others.
Narrative skills begin to develop at around the age of 3 as other language skills develop. A child begins to develop narrative skills as they start to understand other people’s stories and show awareness of how events link with one another.
Pupils who may benefit from Narrative Therapy are identified through teacher assessment or by outside agencies such as a Speech and Language Therapist. The therapy is delivered by a Learning Support Assistant and runs over a course of several weeks. The intervention aims to develop pupils' understanding and use of expressive language.
Sensory Circuits
Short sensory motor activities to help children settle into the school day. The aim is to focus concentration in readiness for the day’s learning. The circuit also encourages the development of the child’s sensory processing skills.
Zones of Regulation
The Zones of Regulation is a curriculum geared toward helping students gain skills in consciously regulating their actions, which in turn leads to increased control and problem-solving abilities. Using a cognitive behaviour approach, the curriculum’s learning activities are designed to help students recognise when they are in different states called “zones,” with each of four zones represented by a different colour. In the activities, students also learn how to use strategies or tools to stay in a zone or move from one to another. Students explore calming techniques, cognitive strategies, and sensory supports so they will have a toolbox of methods to use to move between zones. To deepen students’ understanding of how to self-regulate, the lessons set out to teach students these skills: how to read others’ facial expressions and recognise a broader range of emotions, perspective about how others see and react to their behaviour, insight into events that trigger their less regulated states, and when and how to use tools and problem-solving skills. The curriculum’s learning activities are presented in 18 lessons. To reinforce the concepts being taught, each lesson includes probing questions to discuss and instructions for one or more learning activities. Many lessons offer extension activities and ways to adapt the activity for individual student needs. The curriculum also includes worksheets, other handouts, and visuals to display and share. These can be photocopied from this book or printed from the accompanying USB.
‘Your Space’ Therapies
Your Space Therapies was set up by qualified therapists who believe in the fundamental importance of emotional well-being and good mental health for children and young people, in order for them to become life-long learners.
They provide a counselling and play therapy service for over 90 schools and colleges in East and West Sussex, Social Care services, Young Carers, Think Family, Children and Young People’s Planning Forum and The Virtual School for Looked After Learners.
Nurture Group KS1
In Key Stage 1 three afternoons a week have been allocated for outdoor learning. Small groups from Year 1 and Year 2 are chosen to participate in outdoor activities once a week, these are designed to promote self-esteem, positive self-image and speaking and listening skills. Throughout the school there is support and encouragement of whole class outdoor learning and activities such as nature treasure hunts, tree identification and teamwork challenges. Some of this is co-curricular, some focuses on the children and their wellbeing as educating the whole child helps us to ensure that our school leavers will be happy, active citizens.