Harlands Primary School


The new Articles of Association for Harlands Educational Trust, dated March 2022, state that the Academy Trust shall have the following Trustees:

* up to 12 Trustees appointed under Article 50 (these are general trustees, and will include persons who are able to bring expertise in areas such as legal, finance or premises matters);  they are appointed by the Members
* a minimum of 2 parent Trustees, appointed or elected by the parent body 
* the headteacher (ex officio)
ie a maximum of 15 in total.

Trustees are normally appointed for a four-year term, though Associate Trustees may be appointed for one year at a time.

In addition, the Trustees can appoint Associate Trustees, usually to fulfill a specific remit, who do not count within the maximum 15 trustees as designated above.  

Should you need to contact any of the Trustees please contact Mrs K Michael, who is available in the School Office (01444 450782) or by contacting clerktogovernors@harlandsedtrust.org.uk

Board of Trustees - Academic Year 24/25 (updated January 2025)

Name Type of Trustee Term of Office
Mr Michael Swiggs Trustee & Chair  Re-appointed 21.09.2021 to 20.09.2025
Mrs Charlotte Blake Parent Trustee 01.03.2024 to 29.02.2028
Mr Dave Brooks Trustee 06.01.2025 to 05.01.2019
Dr Jennie Doyle Trustee 06.01.2025 to 05.01.2029
Mrs Abi Dudley Trustee 07.12.2021 to 06.12.2025
Mr Will Durham Trustee & Vice Chair from May 2023 07.12.2021 to 06.12.2025
Mr Frank Gainsbury Trustee Re-appointed 20.10.2020 to 19.20.2024
Mr Russell Goodrum Trustee 20.11.23 to 19.11.2027
Mrs Debra Hollingum Trustee 11.09.23 to 10.09.2027
Mr David Nisbet Trustee 28.03.2019 to 27.03.2023, re-appointed for a further 4-year term to 27.03.2027
Mr Mark Pawson Trustee 11.09.23 to 10.09.2027
Mr Chris Robbins Trustee 11.09.23 to 10.09.2027
Mrs Yasmin Shepherd

Parent Trustee

01.03.24 to 29.02.2028
Mr David McKeown-Webster

Ex Officio, Headteacher - from 01.01.2020

Mr Derek Gwynne Co-opted Trustee (Finance) Initial appointment 14.07.2020 to 13.07.2021, then re-appointed each year, to 14/07/2024
Ms Rocky Datoo Co-opted Trustee (School Improvement) Formerly Parent Trustee 22.10.2018 to 21.10.2022, then re-appointed as
Co-opted Trustee from 21.10.2022 to 20.10.2025
Mr Andy Colgate Staff Voice Non voting
Mrs Karen Michael Governance Professional

Updated as at January 2025