Harlands Primary School

Year 6 School Journey - May 2024


Whilst the children were unable to visit Carisbrooke Castle due to traffic delays which meant that our return coach was not on the Island in time, the children still had a good morning expending what energy they had left in a variety of team games.

Just time as well for one rather special photograph, and to say thank you to the staff who had accompanied them.


This morning the children had the opportunity to take part in any activities that their particular group had not yet done, so a variety of fencing, archery and climbing took place.

This afternoon we took the children down to the beach where a wonderful time was had by all - so good that we didn't get back until just after 6.00pm, which is why tonight's update is a bit late.

After creating the traditional Harlands beach sign - more difficult this year because it was very hard to find white stones - the children were asked to create sand sculptures in groups of their choosing;.

Finally they had some free time for beach games, a paddle or just chilling.  We can only apologise for any wet or sandy clothes lurking in their suitcases, but a good time was had by all.

IOW 2024 Thursday - on the beach



Tuesday evening concluded with a very enjoyable "Mini Olympics" for the children which involved team games such as a "chicken relay" where the children had to do a course pretending to be chickens, and then lay an egg.  The final game was for each team to make as long an unbroken chain as they could;  for this they could use any item in the sports hall, including sweatshirts, water bottles, shoes and even their teachers who got roped in to lie on the floor to extend the chains!

If you have been monitoring the weather forecast for today, you will have seen that it looked pretty dismal.  However, as often happens with the Isle of Wight, although it has been wet, it could have been a lot lot worse.  So the visit to Blackgang Chine has gone ahead, where the children were able to enjoy the 360 delights of the Extinction ride, and enjoy the many other attractions including the water slide where, if they weren't already wet, they got even wetter.  They even had the chance to lock Mr Collingborn up in gaol!

The children are now drying off, relaxing and getting ready for this evening's eagerly awaited Harlands Talent Show.

IOW 2024 Wednesday, 22 May



Monday evening concluded with a sustainability challenge - a water filled balloon, which had to be protected with cardboard before being dropped front a height.  The victorious group were those in Miss Ashman's team - not that adults were allowed to give any guidance.

The weather has not been as good today - grey skies and the odd spot of slight rain, but that has not dampened the children's enthusiasm.

Activities today have included bushcraft, where children learnt how to create a fire using a flint;   the famous zip wire, (and yes, all the school staff did get to have a go);   climbing, archery, and nightline - this involves the children being blindfolded and having to give each other instructions to get around an obstacle course, with a few surprises.

Hopefully in the pictures below you will be able to see many of the children having a thoroughly good time

IOW 2024 Tuesday 21 May 2024


There have already been a couple of "firsts" today - the coach arrived bang on time, and then because we made good speed to Portsmouth, we were able to go over on the 10.00am ferry, instead of the 10.40.  This meant that the children were taken straight to Sandown, to have lunch on the beach, before visiting Dinosaur Isle.

At Dinosaur Isle the children had a chance to view the exhibition, have a talk on fossils with the opportunity to handle some of them, before spending a delightful time on the beach, looking for fossils themselves.

It has been a glorious day - pleasant sunshine, lots of smiling faces, and now the children are all playing rounders before a late dinner and evening activities.

We are on the late sitting for meals, which is good for breakfast time, but not so good for lunch and dinner, However, it does mean that the website should be updated around 5.45 each day.

Isle of Wight - Monday 20 May 2024